Mackenzie’s Office Can Help with State-Related Matters

September 25, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Milou Mackenzie (R-Lehigh/Montgomery/Northampton) reminds residents that her Bethlehem and Red Hill district offices offer a variety of state-related services.

Mackenzie’s staff assists with birth and death certificate applications, senior program information, PennDOT paperwork, Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms, legislative inquiries, unemployment compensation, free notary services for state documents, and other state-related matters. Veteran assistance appointments are offered on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Bethlehem office. To schedule an appointment, please call 610-965-5830.

The Bethlehem office is located at 1425 Mountain Drive N., Bethlehem. The phone number is 610-965-5830. The Red Hill office is located at 56 W. Fourth St., Red Hill. The phone number is 215-679-3152. The Bethlehem office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Red Hill office is open on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or by appointment any day. Both offices are closed on federal holidays.

Residents are encouraged to visit Mackenzie’s website at for more ways to contact her and stay up to date on important information.

Representative Milou Mackenzie
131st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Will Jones
717.260.6615 |

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