Mackenzie Announces Nearly $1 Million in Grant Funding for 131st District Projects
October 23, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Milou Mackenzie (R-Lehigh/Montgomery/Northampton) is pleased to announce nearly $1 million in grant funding has been awarded through the Public School Facilities Improvement Grant Program and Local Share Account (LSA) for multiple projects across the 131st District.
“I am extremely grateful that nearly one million dollars in state funding will soon be coming into the 131st District for a variety of projects. The much-needed improvements will greatly enhance the lives of our residents and give relief to our local governments.”
Public School Facilities Improvement Program
• $484,818 to Salisbury Township School District for a safety upgrade project at Salisbury Township Middle School, Lehigh County.
Local Share Account Statewide
• $144,548 for Coopersburg Municipal Authority to purchase a backhoe.
• $125,000 for Lower Saucon Township to purchase and install permanent restroom facilities at their trailhead.
• $77,284 for Marlborough Township to restore the nineteenth-century barn at Finland Road Park, which serves as a storage facility for the township’s public works equipment.
• $37,500 for Upper Hanover Township to conduct a study of the sewer management system at Perkiomen Heights.
• $124,004 for the Upper Montgomery Joint Authority to repair and improve the pump station and rehabilitate approximately 55 manholes across Upper Hanover Township.
The Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program was created to provide grants to public school districts and area career and technical schools for eligible facility improvement projects.
The Local Share Accounts (LSA) were established by the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming (Act 71 of 2004). The funds are generated by the state gaming funds and may be used to support projects in the public interest within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The grants were approved today by the state Commonwealth Financing Authority board in Harrisburg.
Representative Milou Mackenzie
131st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Will Jones
717.260.6615 |
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